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Step up

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

John 8:23-25
Jesus said to them, "You belong to what is below, I belong to what is above. You belong to this world, but I do not belong to this world. That is why I told you that you will die in your sins. For if you do not believe that I AM, you will die in your sins."

So they said to him, "Who are you?"

Step 1: I am powerless to manage my life by myself.

Step 2: God is able to manage the things I can't.

Step 3: I turn my unmanageable life over to God.

The venerable history of the Twelve Steps begins at Oxford University in a Christian group which sought to apply the truth they found in the Bible to their own lives. It has been successfully adopted by Alcoholics Anonymous and many other groups of hurting people.

It's often said that church should be more like a 12-step group, because in the group everyone admits their sin and their powerlessness. Nothing works until the first three steps are fought with, grudgingly accepted, and finally embraced. Pride and self-sufficiency are sacrificed in exchange for humility and surrender. This surrender is for life. Five years later, ten years later, when I introduce myself at an AA group, I say, "My name's David, and I'm an alcoholic." Or, "My name is David, and I'm a sinner."

Jesus describes it like it is. "You belong to what is below, this world. That's enough right there to kill you. Without an intervention, you'll die. Your standard for holiness is very low, but mine is very high. And don't kid yourselves, there is no way you can meet it."

And then he opens his arms, smiles and says, "Here, let me help you."

How many broken dreams and promises does it take to convince me? How much pain can I endure before I cave? Jesus is patient but insistent. He'll wait for me, but he won't lift me out of the "below" until I ask him to. "Help me, Lord."

Actually, I need a rescue, not mere assistance. I'm drowning, and I've been breathing water, and I'm sinking like a stone. There's nothing I can do for myself until Jesus grabs me out of the water and blows out my lungs. I've been learning to substitute other active verbs for "help" in my prayers: show me, put me back on track, lift me, hold me, make me new. Rescue me!

Who are you, Jesus? You are who you say you are. You come to name my sin, and then rescue me from it. Never let me go.

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