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Fear not

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Luke 1:57-66
When the time arrived for Elizabeth to have her child ...

Zechariah was dumb, not deaf. So why do his people make signs to communicate with him?

But that's a question for another day. Today is the day of John's birth. The first of the two miracle babies is born. Jesus' cousin will be called John, even though that name makes no sense to the people around Elizabeth and Zechariah.

Fear never seems far from the minds and hearts of these people. In that way we are a hundred percent the same as them. Our civilization protects us from exactly nothing when it comes to the power of God.

Following is a Nigerian prayer quoted by Don Follis in his bi-weekly News-Gazette column. May it bring peace to your soul and quiet your mind.

O Lord, I ask you to deliver me
from the fear of the unknown future,
from fear of failure,
from fear of poverty,
from fear of bereavement,
from fear of loneliness,
from fear of sickness and pain,
from fear of age, and
from fear of death.
Help me, Father, by your grace to love and fear you only.
Fill my heart with cheerful courage and loving trust in you,
Through our Lord and Master, Jesus Christ. Amen.

When the time arrived for Elizabeth to have her child ... she gave birth to a son. Her neighbors and relatives heard that the Lord had shown his great mercy toward her, and they rejoiced with her. When they came on the eighth day to circumcise the child, they were going to call him Zechariah after his father, but his mother said in reply, "No. He will be called John."

But they answered her, "There is no one among your relatives who has this name." So they made signs, asking his father what he wished him to be called. He asked for a tablet and wrote, "John is his name," and all were amazed. Immediately his mouth was opened, his tongue freed, and he spoke blessing God. Then fear came upon all their neighbors, and all these matters were discussed throughout the hill country of Judea. All who heard these things took them to heart, saying, "What, then, will this child be? For surely the hand of the Lord was with him."

Make know your ways to me, O Lord, and guide me in your truth. I want to be taught by you. Make me humble and guide me into justice. All your paths are constant and true. Your friendship is precious to me, Lord. (Psalm 25)

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