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Second half

Friday, December 18, 2009

Matthew 1:19
Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose her to shame, decided to divorce her quietly.

What if Joseph had divorced his wife? What if he had not had the dream God sent him, or if he had disregarded it? How would things be different? Would Jesus have been found by Herod in Nazareth instead of escaping Bethlehem into Egypt? Would he have been killed by the soldiers?

In Choose-an-ending mysteries we can see how the story works out. Not so much with the Bible. Reverence for its source tends to quash my what-ifs. But I do look forward to putting these questions to God when I get some free time, and seeing how He responds.

In the meantime, though, my conversations with God are more pertinent. How do I love my wife better? He said, "I really like it when you are nice to her." Somehow, those words opened up my heart and made it much easier to relax and just be with her.

Should I buy this really cool Apple iMac for my new business? God said, "I don't care whether or not you buy that computer. I do care about you." After he said that I began to think I'd rather spend the money getting Margaret's eyes fixed, since she's having trouble with them right now.

I don't like the feeling of being rejected when I do a poor job of counseling, or when someone doesn't receive what I have to say. God said, "Thanks for telling me. You feel rejected, but I don't. And since I made you in my image, I want you to at least consider the option of feeling the way I feel instead of the way you feel."

In college I read a book called The Educated Imagination. I would like to re-read it, but I am claiming the title as a gift God gave to me so we can use it together. In his relationship with this completely unique creation - me (and you) - he would like to be entirely the way he made me to need him. Then, when I combine my personal experiences and "conversations" with the truths disclosed in the Bible, I come alive. My awareness of myself and of God heighten, and I surrender to him more easily.

I am learning to consider my words as the first half of prayer, and how I imagine God would respond as the second half. And I am becoming more whole.

Lord, I lift up your name and pray. May your words and wisdom endure forever and abound throughout the land. We call you the blessing and the blessed, and you alone do marvelous deeds. May the whole earth be filled with your glory. (Psalm 72)

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