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His anointing teaches you

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

From 1 John 2
His anointing teaches you about everything and is true and not false. Just as it taught you, children, remain in him, so that when he appears we may have confidence.

Austin has a brand new award-winning six-story Central Library building downtown, surrounded by skyscrapers, a power plant, statues of Willie Nelson, Stevie Ray Vaughn and O Henry, Whole Foods and Trader Joe's. The Colorado River winds its way below the library, and beyond the river Barton Springs Pool beckons strong swimmers even in January, with its year-round 68 degree clear, fresh water. (Although flooding closed it for a few days last week.)

This library won awards from the American Library Association and the American Institute of Architects. On Saturday we met our friend Lisa for a tour and some playtime. She is excited to show us one of her favorite places. Show lights, gardens, mesquite tile, white oak floors, a red grackle wall pendulum, and thousands of books surround us. I recall fondly one of Austin's south side slogans, "Keep Austin Weird."

In the children's section I realize there are many families and many toddlers, singled out and loved to pieces by parents and grandparents and special friends. Just like Miles. Lisa and Miles giggle when they see each other and share warm hugs. Miles and Mommy choose a few special train books, and Miles checks them out. First time. He will learn about every-thing at libraries like this.

Whether what he learns is true or not, well, that's up for grabs. Flash headline from the internet: 40% of what you read on the internet is false. Of course, that statistic could be false as well.

My friend Walter posted a review of The Rise of Christian History on Goodreads last week. He pointed out that the only sources the author used for the medieval period were Gibbon and Voltaire, neither of whom have ever been known for their expertise in medieval history. The book is riddled with bias and error.

We all want to know the truth. We look for truth in all kinds of wrong places. But we can come back to the words of John: "His anointing teaches you about every-thing, and is true and not false."

Like you, perhaps, I recently contributed to the annual Wikipedia fund drive, which is a bargain at almost any price.

But there is no anointing on its contributors. What I learn there does not imbue me with confidence for the day of Christ's appearing. And that's what I want most of all, for Miles, for Aki and Andi, for Lisa, and for Margaret and me. And for all those others parents and toddlers at Austin's Central Library.

I love you, Jesus. Your brow is clear and unwrinkled by uncertainty. Your eyes brim with intelligence. You are the smartest man who ever lived. You share your anointing with us, and your wisdom, and your love. It doesn't get any better than that, Lord. The awards you have won cover every wall.

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