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Who is betraying Jesus?

Tuesday, April 10, 2001

John 13:21-38
Jesus was troubled in spirit and testified, "I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me."

To be honest with you, I don't really know anymore what the word betray means. Actions that look bad at first are cleaned up with political and psychological spins that point the finger anywhere else but home. In daily conversation with friends we tend to give each other permission to turn away from anyone and anything we've committed to with nary a wisp of fear and trembling. There's always a "good" reason.

Here are the relevant dictionary definitions of "betray": "to deliver into the hands of an enemy by treachery or fraud in violation of trust," "to prove faithless or treacherous to, fail or desert, especially in time of need." Judas and Peter were both about to betray Jesus, and he told them so. At their moments of faithlessness they both had their reasons, and afterward they were stricken with remorse.

This sounds so familiar! How many times has the debate raged in my mind between means and ends ... basically the means are selfish and the ends are not ... can I justify my actions? Wearing a WWJD bracelet can help sometimes, and asking an even better question helps even more: "What would Jesus want me to do?"

I usually know the answer to this question. When I don't want to listen, my spin doctors come to work; and it isn't long before they have fashioned a fine rationalization for me. "Take two of these and get lots of rest. You'll be fine." Thanks, doctor. Thanks a lot.

My metaphors betray me. I don't even want to take responsibility for creating my own rationalizations. It is me, though, myself, who commits the betrayal and then begins to build a case for my defense. Jesus provides me with only two choices, follow him or betray him. Only when I let Jesus define the words, are their meanings clear.

You know me far better than I know myself, Lord. When I resist you please remind me of this, and give me courage to wait while you fill my cup.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.
My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.
(Psalm 139)

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