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Two sons, one God

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Matthew 21:28-31
Jesus said, "A man had two sons. He came to the first and said, 'Son, go out and work in the vineyard today.' The son replied, 'I will not,' but afterwards he changed his mind and went. The man came to the other son and gave the same order. He replied, 'Yes, sir,' but then did not go. Which of the two did his father's will?"

To my modern, motive-driven mind, there is a refreshing absence of psychology in Jesus' story. There is no talk of WHY the first son went to do the work, but only that he got it done. He fulfilled his father's request. Period.

When the work gets done, we can go on to the next day with no backlog slowing us down. Ask the United States Congress what it's like to get their work finished each day. They would have no idea! And to be fair, I too postpone and procrastinate, even with no one but myself to answer to.

But Jesus is speaking of our inner life. God knows my sins and secrets, but I postpone admitting them anyway. Jesus wants me to rediscover the healthiness of confession and repentance. Why pretend? Every day I can spend a few moments welcoming God's ear, sharing how I've found him and missed him today, thinking about what I've been grateful for and what I haven't, asking for God's forgiveness and receiving it.

To unburden myself to God and know his forgiveness is as good as it gets. And God's forgiveness is like a waterfall, not running water than can be turned on and off. It's always pouring down; I just need to get under it.

I often "get under it" when I lie down in bed at night. Sleep comes more easily and more restfully then. Both ancients and moderns call this the "Examen." In the silence of the moments between me and God, the Examen brings life.

Come, o Lord, and do not delay. Forgive the sins of your people. You are close to the broken-hearted, you save those who are crushed in spirit. You redeem our lives and free us from guilt. You hear our cries, the cries of the poor, and feed us from your rich bounty. Give me wisdom to turn my face to yours, and look into the eye of your love.

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