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The patron of a "happy death"

Monday, March 19, 2001

Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24
"And Jacob was the father of Joseph,
the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus,
who is called Christ."

When I peek, as a Protestant, into the world of the Catholic church I am often fascinated by what I find. Today's patron saint is St. Joseph, the "patron of a happy death." Sister Macrina Wiederkehr writes in her devotion for today,

I have always taken it for granted that Joseph died in the arms of Jesus and Mary. How could anyone live in such a household without tasting its blessings? One of the blessings I believe that Joseph enjoyed is that of a happy death in the presence of the two people he held dearest in his life.

The dictionary calls an "oxymoron" contradictory terms combined, as in "a deafening silence." The Greek root means "pointedly foolish." "Happy death" is certainly a pointedly foolish phrase for many men and women. Irrational or not, we become convinced that we'll live forever and therefore willing to become attached to substances and habits and hobbies and furniture and other people and scenery and words of love...death has a great big stinger as we lose it all.

Worn out phrases and longing gazes
Won't get you where you want to go...

Sound familiar? I don't know if the Mamas and the Papas' John Phillips died last night in the arms of Jesus. I do know that my friend Jack held his mother in his arms as she died. She was curled up warm, and he loved her while she passed away.

The length of our days is seventy years--
or eighty, if we have the strength;
yet their span is but trouble and sorrow,
for they quickly pass, and we fly away.
(Psalm 90:10)

How sweet that moment is in Jack's memory. He held his mom and Jesus held them both. The phrase no longer seems so foolish when the room is filled with peace. As she was carried from here to there, free and unattached, she did indeed die a happy death. This death shall have no dominion.

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day,
And when it's cold outside, I've got the month of May
Lord, let the words of love rush into my throat,
That I am yours and you will never let me go.

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