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Writing on my heart

Sunday, April 15, 2012

John 20:30-31
Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples that are not written in this book. But these are written that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that through this belief you may have life in his name.

What kind of memory box do I want to leave for my kids? It's fun for me to look back to successes in school, to accomplishments and awards. Do they care about those? I doubt it. What about my creations - photos that are just about perfect, poems that slip through the air like birdsong, some darn good short stories? They might read them once, admire them once. And then of course there are the tales of my adventures ...

Jesus' memory box was full to the brim with moments when he pointed those around him toward his Father. "I only do what my Father is doing." "Our Father, who art in heaven ..." "Father, into thy hands I commit myself." He washed the feet of his disciples and told them to follow his example. Humble yourself, become the last, be the servant of all. Give away all you have to buy the pearl of great price. There is only one way to live, only one thing to live for: find the Father.

When Jesus' touch or words (or spittle) healed an injury or chronic illness, he pointed the healed person toward her community and toward her Father. Those people never forgot their own personal encounter with Jesus. Surely they told the story over and over, even though Jesus often told them to be silent.

During a lifetime of eighty Lents, give or take, what are the ways I have let Jesus point me toward our Father? Which ways in 2012? How do I do the same for others? I think of moments when I either made someone or something better or worse because of something I did or said. It's not usually obvious. Healing happens in many mysterious ways, and most of the healing occurs later, after we are long gone from the one we smiled at or prayed with or touched.

Eighty Lents ... that's 3200 days. Jesus teaches us how to celebrate these holidays. He shows us how to believe in him and through that belief, have life in his name.

And so, we pray to you, Jesus, for your grace and fullness to overwhelm each day in the world with love. Let the week ahead rise up and meet us walking with you, talking, hearts burning as we see everything with new eyes.

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