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Wearing Mary's dream-cloak

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Luke 1:35
The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.

And Mary says, "May it be unto me as you have said." C. S. Lewis called his innocent the "green woman." I think Mary's wearing green. Not the bright green of Christmas, thrust on us with light and joy and gladness, but a darker green - the color of cedars rustling in the evening breeze - as she begins this wondrous wait for Jesus.

I want to be like Mary. Will the guest filling the threshold, knocking, waiting for our greeting, be an angel? We say hello often to the mailman and the UPS delivery guy, and to our neighbor. Two people came last week to do a short survey about the community broadband project. Our pastor stopped to visit. Clients come and go, not always smiling, looking deep within themselves, aiming higher.

Who are the angels?

All of us are waiting for Jesus. The angels wait alongside us, knowing God differently than we do but no more deeply. God chooses not to be alone, and so we can explore relationship with our father (mother) God, our brother Jesus, our fire-inside Holy Spirit. But always, more than knowing, we are waiting.

On this gray and dreary, cruel December Tuesday, I am in no hurry. Waiting is good. The day is shorter still today than yesterday. A quiet place inside me welcomes the darkness. It cloaks mystery.

The earth is yours, Father, and everything in it. Lift up your heads, O you gates. Be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. So that we may ascend the mountain of the Lord, wash off the sin from our hands and purify our hearts. We belong to you, O Lord. To you alone.

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